Talks & Workshops
I love spreading educational hacking! I speak at conferences around the world, and create one-time workshops and lectures, as well as educational series, according to need and context.
Here are some topics that I’ve recently covered:

Educate like a Hacker
What are the habits and characteristics of teachers who hack their pedagogy? What can schools do to help those teachers succeed and how it relates to risk-taking collaboration and resources?
# Pedagogy # Educational change # Risk-taking # Professional learning communities # Teacher education # Entrepreneurship # Leadership # Creativity

The mechanics of Adult Learning
Why adults resist learning? What are the best practices for professional learning communities?
How can Artificial intelligence influence teaching methods?
# Adult Learning # Transformative learning theory # Non-formal pedagogy # Zone of proximal development # Machine learning # AI is service of education # Andragogy

The Neckerchief Revolution
Non-formal pedagogies and what we can take from them into formal education systems to advance the ways we teach, learn and be.
#Dialog # Social emotional Learning # The classroom as a social Group # Teaching methods # Gamification # Teamwork #situated Learning

Breaking Walls
Can a change in the learning space change the pedagogy?
All about research and trends regarding learning in and outside of the classroom.
Design and Learning # Place Based Learning # The third teacher # innovation # Creativity learning space # Outdoor learning

Oops! The role of Risk-taking & Failure in Education
# Risk Taking # Failure # Experimentation # Gender Differences # Organizational Culture # Attitudes # Data # Learning

From Action to Research and Back
# Educational Change # Qualitative research # Interviews # Questionnaire # Data analysis # Professional learning communities